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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Blind gossip!

1) “This squeaky clean sensation has an ugly side captured on tape! While recording a new album he broke into an impromptu rap – dropping derogatory terms about African Americans and Jews. SOMEHOW the tape wound up at a popular entertainment news show. They made a quick deal and, lo and behold, the tape was killed in exchange for numerous appearances by our bad boy!” [Blind Gossip]

2) “It’s a sad world when celebrities start teaching their children to lie about what goes on in the home. This B/C actress sent her confused daughter to school who confessed to friends, “Mommy’s boyfriend is pretend.” When the actress found out about it, she was worried the word would spread to her ex. She decided that if her fake relationship couldn’t pass by her daughter, she’d have to step it up, and she’s been working on convincing her daughter over and over that her PR relationship is real, even though it’s not.” [BuzzFoto]

3) “This B list television actress on a hit network show has gone from one hit show to another. Both of them are still on the air. She also does movies, but they are not usually box office hits. Anyway, with her very nice weekly paycheck instead of spending it on p*rn stars and blow, she uses one paycheck each month to rent a furnished apartment for a year for a family that comes to her via a homeless shelter in LA. Her contact person at the shelter finds the family and our actress moves them in so the family has a chance at a better life. She has done this so far for seven families and four of them are now paying their own rent.” [CDAN]

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