Tina Fey knows how Alec Baldwin’s mind works!
During a recent Q&A for her new book
Bossypants, the Hollywood funnywoman discussed Baldwin’s declaration that he’s leaving their sitcom 30 Rock next year when his contract is up.
“Him saying he’s officially done is the first indication that he’s staying,” Fey said.
Meanwhile, Tina who recently announced she’s five months pregnant with her second child has confessed she agonized over having another baby.
“I went for my annual checkup and, tired of carrying this anxiety around, burst into tears the moment she said hello,” the Emmy winner, 40, writes in her new memoir Bossypants. “I laid it all out for her, and the main thing I took away from our conversation was the kind of simple observation that only an impartial third party can provide: ‘Either way, everything will be fine’.'”
In her memoir, Fey recounts her battle with the work-vs.-family issue, particularly acute for a woman in Hollywood who is entering her 40s.
She felt “stricken with guilt and panic” when her 5-year-old daughter Alice probably “the only child in her class without a sibling” would say, “I wish I had a baby sister,” and the Fey recalls how she would “debate the second-baby issue when I can’t sleep.”
“I get up to go to the bathroom and study myself in the mirror,” she writes. “Do I look like someone who should be pregnant? I look good for 40, but I have the quaggy jawline and hollow cheeks of a mom, not a pregnant lady. It’s now or never. This decision can’t be delayed.
“Science shows that fertility and movie offers drop off steeply for women after 40.
“What’s so great about work anyway? Work won’t visit you when you’re old. Work won’t drive you to get a mammogram and take you out after for soup.
“Hollywood be damned. I’ll just be unemployable and labeled crazy in five years anyway.”
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